Muscle Spasms Indicated Something was Wrong

I have always believed the old adage that if you feel something is off or wrong, then it probably is.

-Christi Rouse-Deloach

Life began to change when I could no longer teach my fitness classes without extreme muscle spasms, when I couldn't complete a 5K due to leg pain and weakness, when my hand began to shake without explanation and when going to work as a physical education teacher caused a level of fatigue and brain fog that I had never experienced. Each of these symptoms caused me to fear that I would no longer be able do the things I loved.

I was under the care of both a great chiropractor and physical therapist who urged me to find answers when there seemed to be none. It became a guessing game and a myriad of tests that never produced the answer. No one could tell me what was wrong, so how I was supposed to get back to normal? After almost a year of testing in my local area and being told many different things without solutions, I reached out to a major research hospital which was seven and a half hours away from my home.

Luckily, I was accepted as a patient and when I walked in the doors, i knew that I was in the correct place. After a series of visits, I received a telephone call that would change my life, but give me an answer to what had been ailing me for almost two years. The physician informed that she believed I had Young Onset Parkinson's Disease. While I never expected this diagnosis, I knew that while it was a progressive disease, I knew that it was manageable because I have a coworker who was also diagnosed with YOPD several years ago.

Once I started medication, I began to get my life back, I still can't run like I did before YOPD symptoms began, but I can box, teach my fitness classes and lift weights effectively. I learned that it is imperative to stand up for yourself and not give up on answers. If you ever find yourself in a diagnosis journey don't give up! I believe that had I not continued to search for answers, my condition would have been much worse before I knew the cause of my symptoms.

My name is Christi Rouse-Deloach. I live in TN where I am a physical education teacher, nutritionist, fitness instructor, holistic nutritionist and Dr. of Traditional Naturopathy. I was recently diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson's Disease at the age of 44.

Submitted January 2023


My Pinky Finger Moved Like Jagger


Je Suis une Femme de 47 ans avec Parkinson